This is the post that on the one hand I never wanted to make, but on the other am grateful for, because it means that Sandy is no longer captive to the shell of his once vital earthly vessel. He is free, and he is Home.
He deserves a longer tribute, which I will attempt to finish soon, yet I did want to get the word out as soon as possible to those who have been following his story. Thank you all again for your kind support, prayers, positive thoughts and love.
The Kravette Family
Dominique Small
09/19/2016I am so sorry for your loss Christy, Anna, Sarah, Josh and Aaron.
To be honest, I’m at a loss for words fight now so just know I will continue praying for you all.
May God’s grace, peace and joy carry you through this time.
We have a new witness in heaven watching over us. 😉❤️❤️🙏🙏
Bernie Plimpton
09/19/2016Hello Christy and the entire Kravette clan! please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss! Sandy and myself became quite close during your tenure in NH! I am so grateful that you both were able to go to Paris, and he seemed so good at that time! Please be rest assured that he is in heaven looking down upon us all and one day we can be with him! what a reunion that will be! Both Jeannette and my self are saddened by his passing! I will never forget the great time I had with him and the kids when we traveled to Worcester to see the Ballet Magnificat! The only one I see now is Christal she works at a day care center, and has a child of her own! AGAIN, MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND THE FAMILY!!
Patty & Francis Kamahele
09/19/2016Our hearts sorrow with you at your deep loss. Sandy will be remembered as a wonderful, humble man who loved and served Jesus. Well done good and faithful servant.
Love, Patty & Francis
scott boren
09/19/2016Christy and Family… I grieve with you at Sandy’s Departure from this world. Just 8 days before my dad also made that journey. I am happy for both of them for the same reasons you said… yet we will miss their smiling faces, wisdom, friendship and love. Sandy was a good friend to me and was tremendously helpful in those early years when we first came to NH to minister to/with the frozen chosen. It seemed such a strange land to us then, and you both wrapped your arms around us and said “We love you… Things Break, People are weird, and Life’s not fair!” Then we saw a miniature horse in your kitchen and…somehow… it all was OK. But there were many phone conversations,and when possible, visits with Sandy when we sat and he would listen to my tales of woe and sympathize, impart wisdom, or just say it’s going to be OK. and he was usually right. I will miss my friend… but I look forward to seeing him again in another new land. And maybe, just maybe, he will once again show me around and help me get the lay of the land… one with streets of gold. I look forward to that day. We are available for anything we can do for you Christy. When the dust settles and you need some time, come visit. We have a lovely guest room available. anytime.
Karen Reinbold
09/19/2016So sorry for your family’s great loss.
Lifting you all up to the father.
Karen and Jerry Reinbold
09/19/2016Christy and Family, During these days may you know God’s comfort and rest and peace. His love for you never ends. His promises are true. He is our hope. Love and prayers, Ron and Sally Dehne
Marie Limmer
09/19/2016Christy,Anna,Sarah,Joshua,Aaron I am so lost for words,so sad at this time.I know Sandy lives on in each one of your life’s .Hug and hold each one close for me.
Fred Saada
09/19/2016So sorry to hear Bout Sandy. Praying for the peace of the Lord to be upon all of you. Sandy is leading worship with the angels and in the presence of our Lord, with no more pain and suffering. The Lord bless you and keep you.
09/19/2016Sandy was always a servant, and uplifting. It was an honor to have reconnected with him in his last few months. God bless you all in this time.
Laurie Burns
09/19/2016Mike and I grieve with you and are so sorry about the loss of wonderful Sandy. We are praying Gods strength and comfort over you all.
Linda Maria Wagner
09/19/2016Christy and family, my heart is broken with sorrow for each of you as you go on without the one you each loved so dearly, so deeply. I wish this part of the story had been different. I wish Sandy was still here with you, for you. My prayers will continue for you. I know Jesus will meet each one of you in exactly the way that is needed day by day, and even moment by moment. Love you, Linda
09/20/2016Christy, I thank God for the kindness he ( and you) showed me through my darkest times. I will never forget spending my 1st Mother’s Day as a mother with Sandy at your parent’s house in SD. As you know, my husband had abandon me and my son and Sandy was there. Just another example of his great compassion and understanding. Thank you for your friendship over the many years. Love you.
Justin Powell
09/20/2016I’m so sorry for you and all the Kravettes; my heart feels some of your pain. But at the same time I’m thankful that Pastor Sandy is with his Lord now, and that our Lord deemed it good for our paths to cross in New Hampshire.
Ron and Elena
09/20/2016Our thoughts and prayers are surrounding you and the children Christy.
We learned to know eachother through our sons and our only regret was that we did not spend more time together.
Feel the prayers of those who care holding you up through the next few weeks…..,May the peace of God be with you all.
Dave and Joanna Moore
09/20/2016There are no words. Just thoughts and prayers of peace and comfort and a heart full of gratefulness for the love, wisdom, talents, and precious gifts he bestowed on all who knew him. Sandy,I am sure you are hearing “well done good and faithful servant ‘ Thinking of you Christy and your kids. Sending love and hugs. Joanna and Dave Moore
Valerie Frost
09/20/2016Christy, Terry and I are so saddened by this news and loss for you and the family…for all of us who love Sandy. We have treasured memories of our times together. You remain in our hearts and prayers…Love Val & Terry
Jason Lynch
09/20/2016He was a light in this world. He will continue to be light beyond this world.
09/20/2016Hey Christy, Josh and Arron,
I met your Dad many years ago back in the Dave Phillips music days we both taught up stairs in Allentown . He was always a kind and supportive friend and teacher. He passed on kindness and knowledge to his students. He will always live on in you and in the students he shared his passion with. I’m so sorry he was taken so soon from you but he left a huge footprint for the rest of us to follow. He was a good man.
Faith and Paul
09/20/2016there are no words! my 1st pastor…he is with his precious savior!
Terry&Nancy Clark
09/20/2016Thank you so much, Christy, for posting these pictures…. our hearts are so very sad for the loss of this great man of God, husband, dad and friend. We have many wonderful memories of Sandy from Horizon days in San Diego, recording the Quiet TIme projects together, and sharing times of ministry in New Hampshire. We are privileged to have known Sandy as our friend and example of one who allowed God to help Himself to all He desired, for His glory. You and your entire family continue to be in our hearts and prayers. love, Terry&Nancy
Nancy Gruskin
09/20/2016Christy and family.. I am so very sorry for your loss and know that every aspect of the world looks different now. I hope you can find peace and solace in what sandy brought to many people either through music, faith or both. He will be sorely missed. Nancy gruskin
Robert & Dawn Murillo
09/20/2016Christy, We are sending our prayers to you and your family. Sandy was a wonderful, humble, man of God. He was a hard working guy. He will be missed.
Terry & Nancy
09/20/2016Thank you, Jesus, for the rich treasure you gave us through Sandy. We so look forward to the soon & very soon family reunion.
Alex (Shackford) Hubbard
09/20/2016To the Kravette’s:
I am so awfully sorry to hear this news. I will never forget the wonderful, happy memories I have of being young and growing up in the Kravette home full of laughter and love. My thoughts and prayers are with every one of you. (Love you, Anna!!!)
Cliff and Ann Brown
09/20/2016Christy, cliff and I are so sad to hear this. We love you and will continue to pray for you and the family. Sandy was so very special to us and will be missed terribly. 💖
Misty Chanda
09/20/2016Christy, Anna, Sarah, Joshua, and Aaron I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with your family! I have so many memories as a child there, and teenage years. My memories are of mostly your family! Sandy was an awesome man, and I will never forget what he has taught me along the way! My heart goes out to all of you. If you need anything do not hesitate to ask. I am so sorry for your loss.
Lu and Pam Wing
09/21/2016Christy, my heart is reaching out to you. I pray the Lord will meet your every need. I remember Sandy’s wonderful music and servant’s heart. Our time in studio doing Quiet Time was amazing. The music in heaven will be sweet when we all join in playing skillfully. May God’s grace lift you and strengthen you.
Alan Curtis
09/21/2016Jesus wept and so am I. Ran into Sandy in the streets of Jerusalem in 1999. It was a very brief encounter but a blessed one. Looking forward to seeing you in the New Jerusalem soon my brother! Prayers for Christy and Ohana!
Duane Clark
09/21/2016Christy & family, I am sorry to hear of your loss and pray that the God of hope would fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Rom 15:13)
Brian D. Clifford
09/21/2016Thinking of happier days when we were all making good music together. We will always remember that wonderful smile…and Sandy’s love of family. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Sincere condolences to Christy and the kids.
Liz Leehey
09/21/2016To the Kravette family, my deepest condolences for your loss. I went to Boston Conservatory with Sandy, and am also a clarinet player. I remember him well and remember what a fine musician he was. I am so sorry for your loss. Liz Leehey
Mel Hagopian
09/21/2016I went to Boston Conservatory with Sandy and was very good friends with him during our 4 years there. Please know that I am deeply sorry for your loss and will keep your family in my prayers.
John Marquis
09/21/2016Hi Christy, I wholeheartedly agree with every one of the posts on this page. Sandy was a true friend to everyone who knew him and I was blessed to have known him. Love you, John
Glenn Powell
09/22/2016We were blessed by our time with you in NH and treasure things we learned during those years. I’ll always remember hearing Sandy sing the “Untitled” hymn as he shared about a church member’s family member passing away. It’s been one of my favorite songs for times like these ever since. May you all feel the Everlasting arms carrying you in the days ahead.
Kay & Ruben Murillo
09/22/2016Christy and family, we are praying God holds you close and that His grace will sustain you. I learned so much from Sandy’s servant leadership. Such a humble man. Love and hugs.
Sarah & Joe S.
09/22/2016With much sadness, may God bless you and comfort you.
Kathy Diamond
09/22/2016It is an honor and a privilege to pay tribute to such a wonderful man, yet, I find myself struggling to make my words live up to the man he truly was. I worked with and was friends with Sandy from our days at YDI on Ruffner through our days at Horizon Mt. Alifan. I daily witnessed the love he had for others and can honestly say I never heard a harsh word cross his lips. Even under really trying circumstances, there was always that sweet smile. The love he and Christy shared was something I treasure along with his love for his children. Sandy truly reflected Jesus and I am a better Christian because of him. Rest well, my dear friend, I will see you soon. ~Kathy Diamond
Chase Yenser
09/23/2016Some of my fondest memories were at your house and around your dinner table. So sorry for your loss, thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Gene Ginsberg
09/24/2016Dear Christy, We briefly met once, a year or two ago. I was one of Sandy’s “older ” students, mainly concentrating on classical and jazz piano. You may remember that I have Parkinson’s Disease , but I a m still playing, sometimes better than ever, thanks to the action of two medications. In 2015, I decided to perform piano concerts to raise not only money, but awareness about Parkinson’s. My wife and I got back from Sicily a few days ago, and I only had a chance to read this website today. I am very, very saddened by this news. I wanted to let you and other readers know, that this afternoon, I am having another concert at Luther Crest in Allentown. The program today is dedicated to Sandy, and this is clearly indicated on the program printed notes. After all, he helped make all of this possible. I will always remember him with fond thoughts. May you and your family take comfort in all the wonderful memories you will always cherish……………Sincerely yours, Gene Ginsberg, M.D.
09/25/2016Thank you Gene. I’m sorry I didn’t see this until today – I was traveling yesterday. But this is so touching, and our family appreciates the dedication you made to Sandy and all your kind words.
09/28/2016Dear Christy, Anna, Sarah, Josh and Aaron,
We are so deeply saddened about Sandy; we have cried many tears of sorrow, and tears of joy – your loss is heaven’s gain, and our hearts and prayers go out to you all. Love, Todd and nancy