The last installment recounted the many adjustments we’ve been making in Sandy’s care. They continue to come: the latest being that he is now on a morphine pump, which, on the positive side, means that he doesn’t have to worry about taking pills at certain dosages at certain times. The pain medication is dispensed at regular intervals in the correct amount – foolproof! The other side means that he is paired with a device full time (not bad – about the size of a large scientific calculator), but more seriously, it means that the disease is progressing enough for added palliative measures. During the nurse’s visit yesterday, the conclusion was reached that Sandy’s liver is failing, so while only the Lord knows the measure of time we have together on this earth, experience cautions that we may be approaching our last phase, as it were. (I’m praying for a looooooong approach!) This is certainly not a surprise considering the nature of the disease, but distressing nonetheless.
We are thankful for the year that God has given us together since the diagnosis, and of course for the 30 years that we have been happily married, serving together, raising four amazing children together, building careers and ministries and even buildings together. Through all of it being carried by faith – sometimes strong, sometimes less so, but always there.
We will never rule out the possibility of a miracle. Next to heaven that is our fondest hope. Now does seem to be the right time however, to cherish all the wonderful relationships we’ve experienced by connecting as much as we can through phone calls, emails and welcoming visitors. We are greatly encouraged by our friends and family, and invite such contact as frequently as you (and we) are able.
Love to all,
Christy and Sandy
Annie Kingsley
08/11/2016Thank you, Christy. We will be checking in often.
Annie and John
Bernie Plimpton
08/12/2016What does one say to a friend that may be leaving the earth? it goes without saying that we are terribly sorry that it has come to this, but not so surprising knowing the nature of the beast! Our oldest grandaughter was ill for 7 years before she finally lost her battle with the “devils tool!” tell Sandy that we love him now and forever!
Mike MacIntosh
08/12/2016Sandy and Christy!
(I admit, after 50 years with my wife Sandy. It seems strange I am calling Christy’s husband Sandy.
Both of you are a good example for all of us to know and love you.
Each of us, I believe will be like King David in our call to Heaven:
“Yes though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.” (Because YOU are with me).
08/13/2016Continuous prayers and love out to you both, see you soon.
08/14/2016We keep you in our thoughts, although we have not met you. Even though our path with Sandy was so many years ago (college days), we don’t forget those whose lives have touched us. With sadness but also happiness that Sandy and you, his family, live in this life as preparation for the next life. Sincerely, Sarah and Joe Smongeski
Jeanne Johnson
08/15/2016Sandy and Christie
It’s been a number of years since I last saw you at Christian Fellowship.. Sarah has informed me of your journey with this disease and sent me your last blog. I can’t sat I know how much of a roller coaster ride this has been for you both because I don’t. I just want to encourage you that through the years the Lord has placed you on my heart to pray for you not knowing the why. He has been gracious to you both for giving you the year that most don’t get. Thank you for being a part of my life’s walk with Messiah. My heart and prays are with you.
Patty Kamahele
Francis and I continue to pray for you and for your family. You are an example to us of a humble man who loves Jesus…and loves others. May the loving arms of Jesus enfold you during this time and may you sense the great depth of His love for you.
Francis & Patty Kamahele
Valerie Kravette
08/16/2016Thinking of you all every day and sending you blessings…
Bernard Plimpton
08/16/2016Hello Sandy and Christy! as allways you both are in our prayers and thoughts! I also have some great memories especially when I traveled to Worcester Mass. to watch the Ballet Magnificat! I shall allways remember that with the kids! GOD BLESS YOU BOTH! Try to hang in there! all our love comes your way!
Marilyn D.
08/16/2016Dear Christy and Sandy,
You both show us what Love and Devotion is ….over these many years!
My Hope is for the BEST outcome in His Hands…I join my thoughts and Prayers with the many here for Sandy’s Comfort and Peace. He has had many Blessings during this brave, heroic processes…Hospice now sounds like another ….
I will be away on vacation til early Sept.
God continue Blessing you all,